Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Breath for Summer Solstice

Today we receive more light from the sun than any other day of the year! The sun gives us and all living things the energy we need to thrive.

It feels wonderful to go outside, throw my hands up and feel grateful for this beautiful connection, to be open to the abundance of life at this time of the year. Awareness of the cycles of the earth and sun and moon is a special, poetic thing to me, and it makes me feel like I belong to the universe. It is a good thing to BELONG!

Solstice Breath
Go outside where the sunlight hits you
Open your hands so they are palms up to receive the light and warmth from the sun
Breathing in slowly and deeply, feel yourself receive the life-giving energy of the sun
Breathing out slowly, give back gratefulness to the sun for its warmth
Repeat five or more times!

Happy Breathing!

Jessica P. Malmberg
Massage Therapy and Cranio Sacral Treatments

Tuesdays 2-6:30pm
Wedesdays 3-6:30pm
Thursdays 3-6:30pm

Sign up for weekly breath tips HERE!

Make an appointment for a positive-energy building massage

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Breathe to Slow Things Down

I was changing my baby's diaper and was supposed to be in the car for an appointment 5 minutes ago! I felt stressed and noticed that my baby seemed to be holding her breath. Realizing I was influencing her I decided to take slower, more audible deep breaths to shift the mood and help her feel it was ok.

Guess what? After about three slow breaths I started to feel relaxed, I felt more peaceful, I enjoyed the moment of changing the diaper.

I didn't change my mind, I changed the motion of my body and this shifted my frantic mood. The breath put me in my body, in my heart, and opened my perspective to see that being a few minutes late wasn't going to ruin my life! My life was good!

I laughed at myself because I teach people about the importance of breathing and even I was surprised at the difference it made.

A true story to help encourage you to take some refreshing, slow breaths when you are worried and be pleasantly surprised by how the world changes!

To receive weekly breath tips through email Sign Up HERE!

Jessica Malmberg
Giving You Back to Yourself
Therapeutic Massage and Cranio Sacral Therapy

Make an appointment for a positive-energy building massage!
Enjoy the wonderful mental health benefits. (707)758-2365

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Beauty of a Deep Breath - the Diaphragm

The Beauty of a Deep Breath - Step 1

When I work with people on the massage table I often notice that they find it difficult to take a deep breath. Breathing deeply is a wonderful thing to re-learn (we all breathe well as babies!) and gives us a tool to slow down thoughts, heart rates, blood pressure, and days in general!

This tip will focus on using the diaphragm while breathing.

The diaphragm is a muscle that attaches at the front and back of your rib cage and provides a separation between your lungs/heart and the organs of the abdomen (stomach, liver, etc.)

1.) Sit or lay down in a stable, relaxed position. Place your hands on your belly to feel its rise and fall. Breathe normally for 5 breaths, noticing your belly.

2.) Inhale through the nose slowly and deeply and visualize the air flowing into the belly, and allow the belly to puff out. As you breathe in, the diaphragm pushes down into the organs of your abdomen, which pushes out the belly and gives room for the lungs to expand downward.

3.) Exhale through the mouth and allow the belly to sink back to its relaxed position, pushing air out of the lungs.

4.) Repeat for 5 breaths. If you feel faint or tired, rest.

Breathing in this manner may feel tiring or strange at first, but your body will get used ot it and thank you! The deeper the breath you take the more oxygen you will take into your blood and body, and this will give your body more energy to work with.

This is a great clip if you'd like to understand more about the mechanics of the diaphragm!

Happy Breathing!

To receive bimonthly breath tips via email, sign up HERE

Jessica Malmberg
Giving You Back to Yourself
Therapeutic Massage and Cranio Sacral Therapy

Make an appointment for a positive-energy building massage!
Enjoy the wonderful mental health benefits. (707)758-2365

Tuesdays 2-6pm
Wedesdays 5:45pm
Thursdays 2-6pm

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Breathe to Accept Happiness

Sometimes being happy and successful is unfamiliar territory. When we stray into it we often bring ourselves back into the familiar world of suffering and restriction. So it behooves us to find ways of gently increasing our ability to handle positive energy. - Gay Hendricks, Conscious Breathing

Although it seems like it would be easy to flow with our happy times, we often go back into the habit of worry or anxiety because it's what we're used to! I've found this pattern in myself.

When your day is easy, joyful and peaceful, tune into your breath and tell yourself that you deserve happiness, just by being human and a child of the earth.

(Adapted from Gay Hendricks book Conscious Breathing)

Lie down on your back on a comfortable surface.

Breathing through your nose and into your relaxed abdomen take twelve deep, full breaths in and out. Count them on your fingers. Keep the breaths connected; do not pause at the end of the in-breath or out breath.

When you reach twelve, relax and rest. Tune in to your inner body sensations. Notice what you feel, especially any tingling, buzzing or humming feelings in your body. Notice also the quality of light in your mind. Notice if it is all light or a combination of dark and light, or all dark. There are no right or wrong answers. These sensations are what we'll call streaming energy.

The gradual build up of streaming energy is actually resetting your positive energy thermostat higher. If you feel any tension or uncomfortable feeling as you practice this technique, rest from the deep breathing until it passes. You don't need to push into or through the unpleasant feelings, just allow them without judgement, and rest until they pass.

After a minute or so of resting, begin taking 12 deep full breaths through your nose again, in and out of your relaxed abdomen.

Rest and notice your body sensations.

This time take 21 deep full breaths.

Rest for a minute and take note of your arms, legs, head, and the energy that is flowing.

Enjoy the strength of the energy you have built up, and allow your happy, joyful day to ride the wave of that energy within you! You deserve it.


To receive emails with breath tips sign up HERE