I'm really excited about offering this series on Breathing because relieving stress and anxiety has been such a lovely journey in my own life.

Right out of college I started an intense job at Shelter Services for Women, an agency that dealt with the problem of domestic violence. For most of my time there I spoke at Health classes in high schools about healthy relationships and abusive relationships. I gave groups at Juvenile Hall and probationary schools, and I loved being with these kids, they taught me so much about life; they had already been through so much. Almost immediately after taking this job, however, I started having stress reactions. I would have have cramps and sweat with pain and be left exhausted. The doctors couldn't figure it out.
After a couple of years I discovered yoga, and was amazed at how much breathing deeply for an hour relieved my symptoms. I became a devoted class member, and a more relaxed person. My husband noticed the change, and never let me skip class! One night I met a massage therapist at the intermission of a play. Her job sounded so good to me - working in a quiet space with one person at a time, lighting a candle, meditating, and I signed up for my certification that week. I knew my job was hurting me, and starting a career that was focused on relieving stress, and would be peaceful itself, was perfect.
A year or two later I discovered a book by Thich Nhat Hanh, a Buddhist monk who teaches the joys of meditation in very simple terms. (The book was Peace is Every Step.) I went to his retreat and learned that BREATHING, of all things, is the key to meditation, to peacefulness, to life. Breathing in, and breathing out, with awareness, changes the coarse of your thinking, and changes the way your body reacts to situations in life. It taught me to release the stress and pain I didn't need in the out-breath, to receive nourishment and replenishment in the in-breath.
After a couple of years I discovered yoga, and was amazed at how much breathing deeply for an hour relieved my symptoms. I became a devoted class member, and a more relaxed person. My husband noticed the change, and never let me skip class! One night I met a massage therapist at the intermission of a play. Her job sounded so good to me - working in a quiet space with one person at a time, lighting a candle, meditating, and I signed up for my certification that week. I knew my job was hurting me, and starting a career that was focused on relieving stress, and would be peaceful itself, was perfect.
A year or two later I discovered a book by Thich Nhat Hanh, a Buddhist monk who teaches the joys of meditation in very simple terms. (The book was Peace is Every Step.) I went to his retreat and learned that BREATHING, of all things, is the key to meditation, to peacefulness, to life. Breathing in, and breathing out, with awareness, changes the coarse of your thinking, and changes the way your body reacts to situations in life. It taught me to release the stress and pain I didn't need in the out-breath, to receive nourishment and replenishment in the in-breath.
Learning breathing and stretching and massage led to learning about eating and moving and thinking differently, and I changed at a deep level, in small steps.
It's funny that at 32 I feel much healthier than I did at 21 but it is the truth. Where once I was low in energy, sickly, tired, I am now the person that rarely gets sick, that enjoys a good long hike with my husband, and knows how to handle stress.
The old stress reaction still comes up for me from time to time, and I can recognize it now and listen to it. If I feel it rising up, I know what to do. Be kinder to myself. Slow down, breathe, meditate, all the things I have learned are such a healthy tonic to my body and soul. It sounds like a lot of work, but it's not. Here is MY routine, just for you to see and perhaps you can create one for yourself.
Upon rising in the morning, I grab my journal and write 1-3 pages of whatever comes out, without thinking too much. Let my mind unravel, expell thoughts that might just keep going all day unless I get them out. Next, I unroll my yoga mat and stretch for about 10 minutes. My favorites are hamstring stretches and bridges, they're great for the low back. Next, 10 minutes of sitting meditation and deep breathing. At this point my mind is a little more relaxed, my body awake from stretching, for the sacred minutes of meditating. If I have more time I do more, if less time, I skip an element. But if I am able to do all three at a time, I have started a good day. The good day has more to do with my body and mind glowing rather than the things that happen. Which is a good way to live. With a 30 min. routine 3 times a week like this, you'll definitely see changes.
The old stress reaction still comes up for me from time to time, and I can recognize it now and listen to it. If I feel it rising up, I know what to do. Be kinder to myself. Slow down, breathe, meditate, all the things I have learned are such a healthy tonic to my body and soul. It sounds like a lot of work, but it's not. Here is MY routine, just for you to see and perhaps you can create one for yourself.
Upon rising in the morning, I grab my journal and write 1-3 pages of whatever comes out, without thinking too much. Let my mind unravel, expell thoughts that might just keep going all day unless I get them out. Next, I unroll my yoga mat and stretch for about 10 minutes. My favorites are hamstring stretches and bridges, they're great for the low back. Next, 10 minutes of sitting meditation and deep breathing. At this point my mind is a little more relaxed, my body awake from stretching, for the sacred minutes of meditating. If I have more time I do more, if less time, I skip an element. But if I am able to do all three at a time, I have started a good day. The good day has more to do with my body and mind glowing rather than the things that happen. Which is a good way to live. With a 30 min. routine 3 times a week like this, you'll definitely see changes.
I'd love to see you at my breath class! Spread the word to anyone who would like to reduce their stress and enjoy life more.
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