Thursday, April 7, 2011

Breathe to Accept Happiness

Sometimes being happy and successful is unfamiliar territory. When we stray into it we often bring ourselves back into the familiar world of suffering and restriction. So it behooves us to find ways of gently increasing our ability to handle positive energy. - Gay Hendricks, Conscious Breathing

Although it seems like it would be easy to flow with our happy times, we often go back into the habit of worry or anxiety because it's what we're used to! I've found this pattern in myself.

When your day is easy, joyful and peaceful, tune into your breath and tell yourself that you deserve happiness, just by being human and a child of the earth.

(Adapted from Gay Hendricks book Conscious Breathing)

Lie down on your back on a comfortable surface.

Breathing through your nose and into your relaxed abdomen take twelve deep, full breaths in and out. Count them on your fingers. Keep the breaths connected; do not pause at the end of the in-breath or out breath.

When you reach twelve, relax and rest. Tune in to your inner body sensations. Notice what you feel, especially any tingling, buzzing or humming feelings in your body. Notice also the quality of light in your mind. Notice if it is all light or a combination of dark and light, or all dark. There are no right or wrong answers. These sensations are what we'll call streaming energy.

The gradual build up of streaming energy is actually resetting your positive energy thermostat higher. If you feel any tension or uncomfortable feeling as you practice this technique, rest from the deep breathing until it passes. You don't need to push into or through the unpleasant feelings, just allow them without judgement, and rest until they pass.

After a minute or so of resting, begin taking 12 deep full breaths through your nose again, in and out of your relaxed abdomen.

Rest and notice your body sensations.

This time take 21 deep full breaths.

Rest for a minute and take note of your arms, legs, head, and the energy that is flowing.

Enjoy the strength of the energy you have built up, and allow your happy, joyful day to ride the wave of that energy within you! You deserve it.

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